- Make an announcement

This packet is used to announce something. It is only used for the game Doppelkopf.

Internal Name
Direction Bidirectional
Since Version v0.1.0
Valid States game_dk only


Using this packet, a player can make an announcement. This announcement will be sent to all the players. This packet is only available for the game Doppelkopf.

This packet will be used to answer to a reservation, solo, throwing, pigs, superpigs, poverty and wedding. In case of a wedding, it will transfer the clarification trick and in case of a poverty, it will be used to tell the amount of returned trumps. During the course of the game, it will be used to announce Re and Kontra as well as denials like No 90 etc. Furthermore, it will be used to announce a pig. In case of an accusation with external misconduct it will be used to transmit the votes of the players.

See also

See Doppelkopf: Rules for further information on special rules.


Note that all examples shown here contain placeholder data and will have different content in actual packets.

This is the data sent by the client to the server:


type is the context in which the announcement is made.

data is an optional argument transmitting further information if required.


Following types are available: reservation_yes, reservation_no, solo_yes, solo_no, throw_yes, throw_no, pigs_yes, pigs_no, superpigs_yes, superpigs_no, poverty_yes, poverty_no, poverty_accept, poverty_decline, poverty_return, wedding_yes, wedding_no, wedding_clarification_trick, re, kontra, no90, no60, no30, black, pig, superpig, black_sow_solo, ready, throw.


Following types require data: solo_yes, black_sow_solo: type (the type of the solo), poverty_return: amount (the amount of trumps returned to the poverty player, wedding_clarification_trick: trick (the trick the bride wishes to determine the re party), no90, no60, no30 and black: party (Optional, the party of the announcing player, but only, if it wasn’t known yet.)

The server conveys following data to all the clients:


announcer is the UUID of the player who made the announcement.

type and data are similar to arguments the server received.