cg:version.check - Version compatibility check


This packet is used to check client and server compatibility

Internal Name cg:version.check
Direction Bidirectional
Since Version v0.1.0
Valid States versioncheck only


Using this packet, the compatibility between server and client is ascertained.


Note that all examples shown here contain placeholder data and will have different content in actual packets.

This is the data sent by the client to the server:

   "protoversion": 1,
   "semver": "0.1.0-dev",

   "flavor": "vanilla",

protoversion is a positive integer number that has to match exactly between all parties.

semver is used for display to the user and may be used in the future for more granular compatibility checks.

flavor is the “edition” of the client. vanilla indicates a standard and unmodified client. Modded versions and special versions should use different flavors. The flavor must match exactly and is case sensitive.

The server will respond with a packet of the same type and the following data:

   "compatible": true,

   "protoversion": 1,
   "semver": "0.1.0-dev",
   "flavor": "vanilla",

compatible indicates whether or not the client and this server are compatible with each other. If compatible is false, the server will end the connection immediately after sending the packet.

protoversion, semver and flavor are the corresponding version information from the server.


Note that protoversion and semver may not appear to match to the client. This can happen if the server supports a compatibility mode for older/newer clients. The server should always report its actual version, not the emulated one.