cg:auth - Authentication Packet


This packet is used to perform log-in and sign-up activities.

Internal Name cg:auth
Direction Bidirectional
Since Version v0.1.0
Valid States auth only


Using this packet, the client can authenticate itself with the server as a specific account. It can also create new accounts using this packet.


Note that all examples shown here contain placeholder data and will have different content in actual packets.

This is the data sent by the client to the server:

   "username": "notna",
   "pwd": "...",

   "create": false,

username is the user name of the account to login as or create.

pwd is the encrypted password of the given account.


Currently, passwords aren’t actually encrypted in transmission. In the future, all traffic will be either tunneled through SSL or an asymmetric cipher will be used to transmit passwords.

create is an optional flag indicating if the client wishes to create a new account. If it is not given, it will be assumed as false. This flag exists to prevent accidental account creation should a user mistype their username.

The server will respond with a packet of the same type and the following data:

   "status": "logged_in",

   "username": "notna",
   "uuid": "cfde3788-e653-4ef3-8b19-f741e2194e0f",

status is the current authentication status. It should be one of logged_in, wrong_credentials, user_exists or logged_out.

username is the user name the user is logged in as. This field is only sent if status is logged_in or user_exists.

uuid is the UUID of the current account. It can be used to look up further information in the user database. It is only present if status is logged_in.

If the login attempt was successful, the server will already pre-send a cg:status.user packet with information on the user. It will also send a cg:status.server.mainscreen packet to update the client on the contents of the main screen. Also, the connection mode will change to active.

See also

See the cg:status.user packet for more information on how to get User data.

See also

See the cg:auth.precheck packet for more information on the authentication process.