cg:lobby.change - Lobby data change


This packet is used by the server to inform the client on any kind of change in a lobby.

Internal Name cg:lobby.change
Direction Clientbound
Since Version v0.1.0
Valid States lobby only


This packet is used to inform all the clients in a lobby about any kind of change. This might be a client joining or leaving the lobby, the choice of game or its rules being changed, players signalising their readiness, and more.


Note that all examples shown here contain placeholder data and will have different content in actual packets.

This is the data sent by the server to the client:

      "e2639d1f-a7b3-409f-87e4-595a85444d30": {"ready": true, "role": 1},
      "e70d98cd-a33b-41f2-9cb4-8c6e3aeadbb7": {"ready": false, "role": 2},
   "supported_bots": ["dk_dumb", "dk_smart"],

userlist is a dictionary mapping the UUIDs of players to their metadata. This metadata currently contains the ready and role keys. All players must have their ready flag set to true to begin the game. role determines what the player can do. If the role is -1, the player should be removed.

user_order is the order of the users for being shown in the lobby and for determining the seat order in the game.

game is the name of the game that will be played.

gamerules are the rules by which the game will be played. Note that only updated rules will be sent.

gamerule_validators is a dictionary containing the validators for the current game.

supported_bots is a list of supported bots names.


Document the validator concept


All the parameters are optional. However, they should be all sent upon joining so the client knows what information to show.


The keywords for the different gamerules will change depending on the game. Also, multiple of the games being of german origin, many rules will have german names. All gamerule names should be ASCII only for maximum compatibility. This does not however apply to the displayed translated names.