cg:lobby.kick - Kick user from lobby


This packet is used to kick another client from a lobby.

Internal Name cg:lobby.kick
Direction Bidirectional
Since Version v0.1.0
Valid States lobby only


This packet is used to kick a client from a lobby. It also allows the kicker to name a reason for why the other client has been kicked.

This client will receive a cg:status.message packet informing it on the reason. Subsequently, the server will send it a cg:lobby.leave packet.


Note that all examples shown here contain placeholder data and will have different content in actual packets.

This is the data sent by the server to the client:

   "reason":"Pressed Alt-F4 to turn up the volume",

uuid is the UUID of the user that ought to be kicked.

reason is the justification for the kick.

See also

See the cg:lobby.leave packet for further information on leaving a lobby.